The Framework

The Day 180 Framework centers on the work school district teams do to organize their licensing on a single, centralized, worksheet. That worksheet becomes the critical starting point for the meaningful Day 180 work.

Once the worksheet is complete, decisions and actions can be organized. Additional tips and ideas are shared with school district teams to further maximize their education technology licensing. Decisions may include eliminating licenses, planning for proper training, or purchasing new tools.

With industry insight from a technology sales veteran, you can gain control of the narrative with tech vendors. New policies can be established and innovation can be encouraged in a thoughtful and needs-driven way.

Get started in your district. Begin the Day 180 process in your school or district.

Pull together your first draft of licensing and start new conversations with your district team. 

Get your first recommendation within days of your first worksheet draft.

Just get started.

The Day 180 process started in my own local district.

As a vendor, I would have found a way to get my subscription service in the hands of teachers by trial or demo access, then get in touch with the administrative team to expand to the entire district.

As a community member, I want my district to use the most relevant services for the students we have attending the district. I want the products we license to be useful. I want instruction to be relevant, students to be engaged and teachers to use the most effective means necessary to deliver 180 days of incredible instruction. Whether that is tried and true through teacher experience or new method to move students to the next level.


Custom District Engagement